Thursday, October 23, 2008

CABAL : High attack or high crit damage/rate?

Some calculations i made to calculate the efficiency of
Red Osm single slotted weapon vs deathblow titan double slotted

Character build
rol+1 x 2 20% crit rate
lightning blade 15% crit rate
ice blade 10% crit rate
character base 5% crit rate
50% total crit rate

helm 20% crit dmg
titan(slot extended) 48% crit dmg / red osm 20% crit dmg
ice + lightning 20% crit dmg
character base 20% crit dmg
108% total crit dmg / 80% total crit dmg

eof+8 5% amp
bof+3 x2 10% amp
boots/suit/glove 21% amp
36% total amp

total atk with titan/phery 700
total atk with redosm/topaz 770

cr = crit rate
cd = crit dmg
sw.amp = sword amp
ch.amp = character amp
sk.amp = skill amp
sk.atk = skill atk
ch.atk = character atk

Formula to calc output damage
Damage rating = (cr/100)*((((sk.amp+(ch.amp/100))*ch.atk)+sk.atk)+((((sk.amp+(ch.amp/100))*ch.atk)+sk.atk)*(cd/100)))

titan phery estimated output damage= no amp involved* = (50/100)*(((1.7*700))+904)+((1.7*700)+904)*(108/100))) = 0.5*(2094+(2094*1.08)) = 2177.76

redosm topaz estimated output damage= (50/100)*(((1.7*770))+904)+((1.7*770)+904)*(80/100)))no amp involved* = 0.5*(2213+(2213*0.8)) = 1991.7

titan phery estimated output damage with 36% amp= (50/100)*(((2.06*700))+904)+((2.06*700)+904)*(108/100)))= 0.5*(2346+(2346*1.08))= 2439.84

redosm topaz estimated output damage with 36% amp= (50/100)*(((2.06*770))+904)+((2.06*770)+904)*(80/100)))= 0.5*(2490+(2490*0.8))= 2241.00

therefore we can deduce that db titan > red osm(higher damage rating)